The first industry cloud to be launched on SAP Store in Greater China, opening the era of digital transformation in the agriculture industry

The first industry cloud to be launched on SAP Store in Greater China, opening the era of digital transformation in the agriculture industry

Posted by January 2, 2022

MTC Easy Farm Cloud from MTC, SAP Gold Partner, was certified by SAP Industry Cloud. After layers of audit and selection, MTC Easy Farm Cloud became the first industry cloud solution in Greater China to be launched in SAP Application Store (SAP Store).

Before that, there was a great demand gap in the agriculture industry and it is hard to find a cloud system certified by the industry.The emergence of MTC Easy Farm Cloud breaks the ice of the “the lack of Cloud System” in the agriculture industry.

At present, one of the core pain points in the daily management of farming enterprises is the inaccurate information of farm biological assets. According to the business pain points, MTC team relies on SAP Business Technology Platform as the core integration of the MTC Easy Farm cloud solution to empower the digital management of the full lifecycle of the agriculture industry.


SAP BTP integrates intelligent enterprise applications with database and data management, analytics, integration, and extension capabilities in a unified platform. It supports cloud and hybrid deployment environments and includes hundreds of pre-built integrations for SAP and third-party applications. SAP BTP components include:

  • SAP HANA Cloud
  • SAP Analytics Cloud
  • SAP Intelligent RPA
  • SAP Integration Suite
  • SAP Extension Suite
  • ……

Based on the powerful integration capability of SAP BTP platform, MTC Easy Farm Cloud migrates to the Cloud Platform through integration suite, extension suite, analysis cloud, iRPA and other technologies to empower the digital management of the full lifecycle of farming enterprises.

After migrating to the Cloud via the SAP BTP, MTC Easy Farm Cloud has become the first industry cloud solution in Greater China to be launched on SAP Store. SAP Store is an app store that links global customers to the global innovation ecosystem and it is currently available to SAP customers in more than 200 countries and regions. On this platform, customers around the world can find, discover, try and purchase relevant application solutions.

About MTC Easy Farm Cloud

As a digital and intelligent farming management platform based on SAP BTP, MTC Easy Farm Cloud not only realizes the breakthrough of cloud certification from 0 to 1 in the agriculture industry but also integrates 5G, IoT, video recognition and other technologies to help farming enterprises establish scientific farming plans, business processes, asset management and multi-dimensional data analysis through the collection and analysis of farming data to achieve maximum benefits.

4 highlights: bringing opportunities to the traditional agriculture industry

MTC Easy Farm Cloud is divided into Farm Edition, Enterprise Edition and Group Edition, and its main highlights are below:

  • Farming Standards Management

In accordance with the farming standards and annual plan, an individualized plan for each farm is generated, and the plan and farming tasks are assigned to each post. The farming procedures and tasks are thus standardized in a single system throughout the entire company.

  • Flexible Operational Planning Management

According to the enterprise’s different business models, business scales and animal species, corresponding farming plans and task lists are formulated so as to realize a closed-loop business process from procurement, breeding, and production to distribution. This closed-looped approach increases the overall efficiency and maximum benefits of the entire industry chain.

  • Data Collection

MTC Easy Farm Cloud uses IoT technology, RPA robots and mobile terminals to achieve rapid collection of data on feeding, nutrition, health care, growth, environment and tasks.

  • Multi-dimensional Data Analysis

The tight integration of Easy Farm Cloud and SAP enables the accumulation and analysis of multiple dimensions of business data in real-time. Managers can be aware of the operation status at any given moment in order to make more rational decisions.

Using digitization to escort smart farming & food safety

Efficient and safe farms will bring more possibilities in the future. With MTC Easy Farm Cloud products, agriculture enterprises can obtain 4 main values.

  • Improve Employee Efficiency

Farmers can use mobile devices to receive daily breeding tasks to ensure that daily farming and epidemic prevention tasks are completed as planned. The system can be used to simplify complicated tasks, such as counting, feed ratio, etc., thereby reducing the error rate and workload of repeated labor.

  • Real-time Management of Biological Assets

By using 5G and IoT technology, the system collects farm environment data and farming index data in real-time to assist in daily monitoring and management of abnormal activity.

  • Improve the Cost Control Mechanism

The system enables real-time display of cost data, thereby allowing for a more scientific farming process, including aspects such as feeding, nutrition, epidemic prevention, and livestock relocation, and helping management to make rational business decisions.

  • Establish a Food Safety Traceability System for the Whole Industrial Chain

The integration of Easy Farm Cloud and SAP ERP enables food safety traceability through the whole industry chain from breeding, raising and slaughter to deep processing and distribution, allowing companies to reduce food safety risks.


Based on more than 10 years of digital transformation experience in agriculture industry, MTC Easy Farm Cloud will continue to provide global agriculture enterprise customers with digital management of the whole process from farm to table.

MTC Easy Farm Cloud, as the first industry cloud solution to be launched on SAP Store, creates more possibilities for SAP and ecology to work together. In the future, SAP will continue to work with partners to provide digital transformation, cloud solutions and other services for customers in different industries to achieve more intelligent enterprises and win a digital future together.

MTC Group —— Industry Depth, Global Breadth

MTC is an SAP Gold Partner & SAP Training Partner. As a global consulting company, there are 10+ service centers in China, USA., Germany, Japan and New Zealand. MTC is dedicated to providing enterprises with industrialized SAP solutions, MTC serves more than 300+ clients from Top 500 Multinational companies, public companies to local SMEs, to help them achieve digital transformation of business innovation.
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